We woke up to an awesome surprise Sunday morning as one of our Instagram friends, Jeremy at iOS Etc., had published a great blog post about Nobly. Specifically, he writes about how your overall happiness is largely correlated to the “intentional activities” which you choose to engage it. We think that’s a really natural connection; acts of kindness are an awesome outlet for promoting happiness. Here’s a blurb from Jeremy’s post:
“If 50 percent of your overall happiness is based on genetics and 40 percent is based on intentional activities you choose to take part in, why are we so fixated on the other 10 percent?
What we should be fixated on is participating in activities that bring us the most joy.Since I’m constantly focused on ways my iPhone or iPad can further integrate into my life, I immediately thought of an app currently in development called Nobly. This indie app is solely focused on good deeds and random acts of kindness.
I’m sure nearly all of us have heard of others doing nice things for people. I would be shocked to learn if you hadn’t engaged in one yourself at some point in your life. Nobly wioants to bridge the gap between those wanting to do good deeds and those needing some generosity in their lives.
So how does it work? Think about all the snow the East Coast received over the past few months. If someone needed help shoveling their driveway because they’re disabled or a recent health condition hinders them from completing this task, they could post on Nobly with the hope that someone would be willing to do a good deed and lend them a hand.”
A huge thanks to Jeremy and team. Be sure to navigate over iOS Etc. to read the full article and follow them for app reviews, indie dev and tech based knowledge sharing.