Beginning tomorrow, I Team Nobly will have the opportunity to participate in the Southeast’s foremost interactive festival and expo. Now, bear in mind, I haven’t crowned DigSouth the foremost interactive conference in the Southeast by virtue of first-hand experiences at other interactive conferences in the Southeast. Instead, I’ve bestowed that lofty title solely due to the fact that it occurs in the greatest city in the Southeast: Charleston, SC. Honestly, the keynote could be Ashton Kutcher reprising his role as Steve Jobs and I’d probably still relish the opportunity to welcome what promises to be an awesome crowd to the jewel of the south.
Fortunately, I don’t have to make that judgment call as Stan Gray, Harriett Lee and the rest of the DIGnitaries have assembled an enviable roster of tech luminaries to light up the holy city for the next several days. Lest all the panels and presentations get in the way of an old-fashioned lowcountry good time, the D.S. team has peppered in elements of music, food and even film to break up the technononsense. And, hell, if your taste for the film ends up trumping your thirst for tech, the Charleston Int’l Film Festival starts tonight as well. What a town.
As for Team Nobly, we’ll probably fight off our love for cinema and focus on the task at hand: sharing our vision with as many conference goers as possible. Want more suggestions for DigSouth? Check out my post on can’t-miss events.