Why Nobly?


Nobly was built to give people a focused avenue for sending recognition to others.  By using Nobly in your organization, you can create a culture of positivity and altruism by allowing employees to give, receive, and share recognition for their achievements.  With Nobly, employees will be able to search for colleagues, see the recognition they’ve given and received, and help build a network that brings appreciation to the limelight.

  • Send recognition on the go and in realtime.
  • Host fundraising campaigns for charities and causes that align with your company values.
  • Get analytics for all of the recognition happening in your company.
  • Send important company updates through push notifications to all employees.
  • Engage with your clients and let them participate in your recognition ecosystem.

Why Employee Recognition Matters

Employee recognition by the numbers from Gallup and Harvard Business Review
Less turnover
Engagement Opportunity
Performance Boost
Saved Per Employee Per Year

Capture recognition in

in real-time with the speed and 

accessibility of mobile.

Recognition can happen anytime, anywhere. With Nobly, your employees can capture that recognition on the go; whether they’re onsite with a client, or in the cafe with a colleague.

Brand the app to match

your company culture, colors,

and core values.

Nobly can be customized is almost every way. From custom badges and core values, to colors and logos, the Nobly app will reflect your company and your brand from top to bottom.

Get detailed analytics

on the recognition happening

throughout your organization,

Receive configurable and filterable data on the recognition being sent and received throughout your organization. Understand when and where your employees are most engaged, and how they’re being recognized. Use this data to make improvements and market success.

Let’s get in touch

Want to start a campaign for Kindness at your organization? Get started by clicking the button below.